API Version: 6.4
or Company-Admin
"type": "phone"
"values": {
"mac": "device MAC",
"phoneid": "phone id (optional, used if mac empty)",
"name": "optional name",
"company": "company",
"phone_type": "phone-type"
"result": "success",
"numrows": rows-created
handset provisioning call):Cisco7941 Cisco7961 Cisco7965 a580ip aastra480i aastra51i aastra53i aastra53i-1line aastra53i536m aastra53i536m2 aastra53i536m3 aastra55i aastra55i-1l536m aastra55i-1l560m aastra55i-1line aastra55i536m aastra55i536m2 aastra55i536m3 aastra55i560m aastra57i aastra57i-1l536m aastra57i-1l560m aastra57i-1line aastra57i536m aastra57i536m2 aastra57i536m3 aastra57i560m aastra57i560m2 aastra57i560m3 aastra6730i aastra6731i aastra9112i aastra9133i basic_soft bria c460ip cp7811 cp7821 cp7821-1 cp7841 cp7841-1 cp7841-2 cp7861 cp7861-1 cp7861-2 eyebeam generic ip320 ip320_msg ip321 ip321_msg ip330 ip330_msg ip331 ip331_msg ip335 ip335_msg ip4000 ip430 ip430-1 ip450 ip450-1 ip5000 ip501 ip501-1 ip550 ip550-1 ip560 ip560-1 ip6000 ip601 ip601-1 ip601-2 ip601-3 ip601-4 ip650 ip650-1 ip650-2 ip650-3 ip650-4 ip670 ip670-1 ip670-2 ip670-3 ip670-4 ip7000 ip840c ip840c-1 ip840c-111 ip840c-12 ip840c-156 ip840c-2 ip840c-210 ip840c-336 ip840c-606 ip840cs ip840cs-12 kws300 n300ip n300ip-1 n510ip n510ip-1 n720ip n720ip100 n720ip25 n720ip50 n720ip75 newYeaVP2009 pap2t s450ip s685ip snom190 snom190-1 snom300 snom300-hold snom320 snom320-1 snom320-111 snom320-12 snom320-156 snom320-2 snom320-210 snom320-3 snom320-336 snom320-606 snom320s snom320s-12 snom360 snom360-1 snom360-111 snom360-12 snom360-156 snom360-2 snom360-210 snom360-3 snom360-336 snom360-606 snom360s snom360s-12 snom370 snom370-1 snom370-111 snom370-12 snom370-156 snom370-2 snom370-210 snom370-336 snom370-606 snom370s snom370s-12 snom710 snom710-1 snom710-4 snom715 snom715-1 snom715-4 snom720 snom720-1 snom725 snom725-1 snom760 snom760-1 snom820 snom820-1 snom820-10 snom821 snom821-1 snom821-10 snom870 snom870-1 snom870-10 snom870-6 snomD305 snomD315 snomD345 snomD375 snomMP snomPA1 snomm3 snomm3-1 snomm9 spa1001 spa112 spa2000 spa2002 spa2102 spa301 spa303 spa502g spa504g spa504g-1 spa508g spa508g-1 spa509g spa509g-1 spa525g spa525g-1 spa8000 spa841 spa901 spa921 spa922 spa941 spa942 spa962 tgp500 tgp500-1 tls_soft trio8500 trio8800 vvx101 vvx101-1-0 vvx1500 vvx1500-1 vvx201 vvx201-1 vvx201-1-0 vvx300 vvx300-1 vvx300-1-0 vvx300-15 vvx300-6 vvx310 vvx310-1 vvx310-1-0 vvx310-15 vvx310-6 vvx400 vvx400-1 vvx400-1-0 vvx400-111 vvx400-12 vvx400-3 vvx410 vvx410-1 vvx410-1-0 vvx410-111 vvx410-12 vvx410-3 vvx500 vvx500-1 vvx500-1-0 vvx500-12 vvx500-12s vvx500-1s vvx500s vvx500v vvx500v-1 vvx500v-1-0 vvx500v-12 vvx500v-12s vvx500v-1s vvx500vs vvx600 vvx600-1 vvx600-1-0 vvx600-12 vvx600-12s vvx600-1s vvx600s vvx600v vvx600v-1 vvx600v-1-0 vvx600v-12 vvx600v-12s vvx600v-1s vvx600vs webrtc xlite yealinkCP860 yealinkCP920 yealinkCP960 yealinkT18 yealinkT19 yealinkT20 yealinkT20-1 yealinkT21 yealinkT21-1 yealinkT22 yealinkT22-1 yealinkT23 yealinkT23-1 yealinkT26 yealinkT26-1 yealinkT26-exp39 yealinkT261exp39 yealinkT26L yealinkT26Lexp39 yealinkT26l yealinkT26lexp39 yealinkT27 yealinkT27-1 yealinkT27-exp20 yealinkT27l1 yealinkT27lexp20 yealinkT28 yealinkT28-1 yealinkT28-exp39 yealinkT281exp39 yealinkT28L yealinkT28Lexp39 yealinkT28l yealinkT28lexp39 yealinkT29 yealinkT29-1 yealinkT29-exp20 yealinkT29l1 yealinkT29lexp20 yealinkT32 yealinkT32-1 yealinkT38 yealinkT38-1 yealinkT38-exp39 yealinkT381exp39 yealinkT38L yealinkT38Lexp39 yealinkT38l yealinkT38lexp39 yealinkT40 yealinkT40-1 yealinkT41 yealinkT41-1 yealinkT41-6 yealinkT41l1 yealinkT42 yealinkT42-1 yealinkT42-6 yealinkT42l1 yealinkT46 yealinkT46-1 yealinkT46-10 yealinkT46-10e40 yealinkT46-exp40 yealinkT461exp40 yealinkT46L yealinkT46Lexp40 yealinkT46l yealinkT46lexp40 yealinkT48 yealinkT48-1 yealinkT48-12 yealinkT48-12e40 yealinkT48-exp40 yealinkT481exp40 yealinkT48_1 yealinkT48_exp40 yealinkT49 yealinkT49-1 yealinkT49-12 yealinkT49-12e40 yealinkT49-exp40 yealinkT491exp40 yealinkT49_1 yealinkT49_exp40 yealinkT52 yealinkT52-1 yealinkT52-8 yealinkT52l1 yealinkT54 yealinkT54-1 yealinkT54-10 yealinkT54l1 yealinkT56 yealinkT56-1 yealinkT56-12 yealinkT56-12e50 yealinkT56-exp50 yealinkT561exp50 yealinkT56_1 yealinkT56_exp50 yealinkT58 yealinkT58-1 yealinkT58-12 yealinkT58-12e50 yealinkT58-exp50 yealinkT581exp50 yealinkT58_1 yealinkT58_exp50 yealinkVP2009 yealinkVP530 yealinkVP530-1 yealinkW52 yealinkW52-1 yealinkW60 yealinkW60-1 zoiper
or relevant Company-Admin
"type": "phone"
"scope": {
"mac": "device MAC",
"port": "device port (optional)",
"phoneid": "phone id (optional, used if mac empty)",
"result": "success",
"values": [
"mac": "device mac",
"port": port-num,
"name": "devicename",
"company": "company",
"phone_type": "phone_type (see above)",
"zone": "Time Zone or empty string",
"can_hotdesk": BOOL,
"can_forward": BOOL,
"qualify": BOOL or empty string,
"call_group": "call group ID or null",
"access": "access level",
"nat_mode": BOOL,
"nat_ipaddr": "NAT IP address type",
"ntp": "NTP server type",
"codec_list": "preferred codecs",
"barge": barge/bargeable mode,
"ip_addr": "null or fixed IP/mask",
"ip_dns1": "null or fixed DNS server",
"ip_dns2": "null or fixed DNS server",
"ip_gateway": "null or fixed gateway IP",
"ip_domain": "null or fixed search domain"
field is a bitfield:#define CAN_BARGE 1
#define CAN_BE_BARGED 2
Atlantic/Cape_Verde Atlantic/Bermuda Europe/London Europe/Paris Europe/Helsinki Africa/Nairobi Europe/Nicosia Asia/Hong_Kong US/Alaska US/Pacific US/Mountain US/Central US/Eastern
or relevant Company-Admin
field cannot be edited and must be changed using the assign
call (See handset provisioning page). Unchanged fields may be left undefined, but if setting a field starting ip_
then all such fields must be set together.phone_type
field is modified, and results in a change in the number of "ports" that a device has, then the relevant rows will be created or deleted with some reasonable defaults - It is suggested that these records are queried and corrected to verify that the defaults are suitable.{
"type": "phone"
"scope": {
"mac": "device MAC",
"port": "device port",
"phoneid": "phone id (optional, used if mac empty)",
"values": {
"name": "devicename",
"phone_type": "phone_type (see above)",
"zone": "Time Zone or empty string (see above)",
"can_hotdesk": BOOL,
"can_forward": BOOL,
"qualify": BOOL or empty string,
"call_group": "call group ID or null",
"access": "access level",
"nat_mode": BOOL,
"nat_ipaddr": "NAT IP address type",
"ntp": "NTP server type",
"codec_list": "preferred codecs",
"barge": barge/bargeable mode,
"ip_addr": "null or fixed IP/mask",
"ip_dns1": "null or fixed DNS server",
"ip_dns2": "null or fixed DNS server",
"ip_gateway": "null or fixed gateway IP",
"ip_domain": "null or fixed search domain"
"result": "success",
"numrows": 1
"type": "phone"
"scope": {
"mac": "device MAC",
"phoneid": "phone id (optional, used if mac empty)",
"result": "success",
"numrows": rows-deleted
and Company-Admin
users to reboot phones in their administered companies.{
"type": "phone"
"scope": {
"mac": "device MAC",
"phoneid": "phone id (optional, used if mac empty)",
"result": "success",
"numrows": rows-matched,
"company": "company of matched device"
and Company-Admin
users to randomise phone passwords in their administered companies.{
"type": "phone"
"scope": {
"mac": "device MAC",
"phoneid": "phone id (optional, used if mac empty)",
"result": "success",
"numrows": rows-updated,
"company": {
port-num: "company of matched device"