API Version: 6.4
or Company-Admin
with 'default' company access. If promoting a phone to a non-default company, a Company-Admin
also needs access to the target company./rest/dialplan/inactive/
"type": "phone"
is only present from 6.3.10+{
"result": "success",
"values": [
"phoneid": "phone id",
"phone_type": "phone type",
"type": "phone type description",
"created": creation epoch-time
"numrows": rows-returned
value is the handset identifier which is it's mac address and it's 'port' number combined. For most devices, the port number is a 0
"type": "phone"
"scope": {
"company": "company or list of companies (optional)"
"result": "success",
"values": [
"phoneid": "phone id",
"phone_type": "phone type",
"type": "phone type description",
"created": creation epoch-time,
"company": "company"
"numrows": rows-returned
value is the handset identifier which is it's mac address and it's 'port' number combined. For most devices, the port number is a 0
value can be specified to promote and assign the handset in one operation. If omitted, the device is promoted into the default
company. The user must have permission, and the company must exist.{
"type": "phone",
"scope": {
"phoneid": "0123456789ab0"
"values": {
"company": "acompany"
"result": "success",
"numrows": rows-updated
"type": "phone",
"scope": {
"phoneid": "0123456789ab0"
"result": "success",
"numrows": rows-removed
users to reassign a phone to a new company.{
"type": "phone"
"scope": {
"mac":"device MAC",
"phoneid": "phone id (optional, used if mac empty)",
"port":"port for multiport device (zero based)",
"company":"source company for verification"
"values": {
"company":"target company"
"result": "success",
"numrows": rows-updated,
"company": {
port-num: "company of matched device"
and Company-Admin
users to list all valid phone type values, including all variants.{
"type": "phone"
"result": "success",
"numrows": number of rows,
"values": [
"phone_type": "phone-type-key",
"pgroup": "Phone's group",
"description": "Long description"