API Version: 6.4
, Call-Recording download
or Call-Recording per-company download
permissions. If the user has only Call-Recording per-company download
permissions, it is necessary to include enough information (company id) to limit the scope of the query to a single company./rest/call/list
	"type": "recording",
	"scope": {
		"company": "company ID",
		"number": "matches either caller or callee",
		"year": "YYYY",
		"month": "MM",
		"day": "DD",
		"hour": "HH",
		"minute": "mm"
"result": "success",
"values": [
"file": "filename",
"start": epoch-seconds,
"caller": "caller number",
"callee": "callee-number",
"size": bytes,
"duration": seconds
"numrows": number-of-rows
"type": "recording",
"scope": {
"company": "company ID",
"file": "exact filename"