API Version: 6.5


A Queue instance represents a queue, which is a combination of the extension, agents and calls waiting in or delivered through the queue. Agents are represented by their Device and NOT by their address-book entry.


Name Type Description
name String Queue name. e.g. Queue/q_123
label String Friendly name or number.
extension Extension The accociated extension instance.
contacts Array A list of Contact instances that are members of the queue.
devices Array Aggregated list of Device instances called by the queue.
members Array Ordered list of QueueMembers .
depth Number Number of calls waiting in the queue.
completed Number Completed calls (cleared nightly).
abandoned Number Abandoned calls (cleared nightly).
total Number Total number of calls handled by the queue (completed + abandoned).
calls Object Waiting Call objects, keyed on callID.


queue.addListener(event, callback)

Kind: class method of IPCortex.Types.Queue
Add listener method, inherited from Api base class and common to all classes.
Parameter Type Description
event String Name of event, e.g. 'update'
callback Function Callback which is passed a reference to the updated Class object

queue.removeListener(event, callback)

Kind: class method of IPCortex.Types.Queue
Remove listener method, inherited from Api base class and common to all classes. event and callback must be identical to those used in addListener() in order for the remove to succeed.
Parameter Type Description
event String Name of event, e.g. 'update'
callback Function Callback which is passed a reference to the updated Class object


  • new - A new queue is created
  • update - The queue's status, a member status, or a member device status has changed.