API Version: 6.2

Phone Provisioning


Requires System-Admin or Company-Admin with appropriate company access.

command 'inactive'

Path: /rest/dialplan/inactive/
List all phones which have requested provisioning, but have an outstanding activation step pending. No filtering is possible on this query.
    "type": "phone"
Return value:
    "result": "success",
    "values": [
            "phoneid": "phone id",
            "type": "phone type"
    "numrows": rows-returned
Note that the phoneid value is the handset identifier which is it's mac address and it's 'port' number combined. For most devices, the port number is a 0.

command 'promote'

Path: /rest/dialplan/promote/
Promote a phone from the inactive list into the active phones list. A multi-port device will have all ports activated.
    "type": "phone",
    "scope": {
        "phoneid": "0123456789ab0"
Return value:
    "result": "success",
    "numrows": rows-updated

command 'demote'

Path: /rest/dialplan/demote/
Demote a phone from the inactive list, effectively deleting it. A multi-port device will have all ports deleted.
    "type": "phone",
    "scope": {
        "phoneid": "0123456789ab0"
Return value:
    "result": "success",
    "numrows": rows-removed