API Version: 6.3

IPCortex.PBX Object

Kind: static object IPCortex.PBX
This is the top level container for PBX API methods.

Call history related

IPCortex.PBX.enableHistory(callback) ⇒ Bool

Kind: static method of IPCortex.PBX
Returns: Bool - Success/Failure indication.
A top-level switch to enable History functionality. It is still necessary to enable history on each individual Device as well as calling this method. This method specifies to the API the callback to use for new History events.
Parameter Type Description
callback Function Callback for each new History object created. Function(History, Bool initial). The initial flag indicates data being returned from the saved history cache when this function is enabled.

IPCortex.PBX.disableHistory() ⇒ Bool

Kind: static method of IPCortex.PBX
Returns: Bool - Success/Failure indication.
Disable History functionality and stop callbacks.

IPCortex.PBX.saveHistory() ⇒ Bool

Kind: static method of IPCortex.PBX
Returns: Bool - Success/Failure indication.
Request that the current call history is saved to backing-store. This store is automatically loaded if History is enabled in a future session. eg. After a reload.